
Armando Perri was born in 1986 in Samedan, Switzerland, but with italian roots.

Since an early age, he was fascinated with wood work and at 17 years old enrolled in carpentry school in St Moritz, Switzerland. After being employed for 14 years as a fine furniture maker he travelled to Austria to learn wood turning.

The fluid nature and freedom to shape wood almost like free hand drawing helped make wood turning his main passion. This coupled with a childhood love for kaleidoscopes help him to search new shapes for these, apparently, simple objects that can be appreciated by both children and adults alike.

He chooses to focus his attention on Teleidoscopes as they allow the viewer to interact and see the outside world from a completely different visual perspective.

With his experience working with many many exotic woods, each object is turned using a deep knowledge of the raw materials being used. It's these small details that create a truly hand made one of a kind object. His Teleidoscopes are each turned from a single block of carefully selected precious wood.

During the creation of his pieces, he is inspired by the characteristics of the chosen material, by exposing the natural beauty of each specific wood. Sometimes, he enjoys combining it with metal to refine its aesthetic appearance.

Besides teleidoscopes, he also makes spinning tops, incense holders and various other heirloom style wooden objects.

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Armando Perri - Via Stelvio 37
23030 Bianzone - Italy


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